{Catch Me}


i hear the pouring rain outside my window

i want to go out and stand in it

feel the water hit my skin

i need to feel something good

something that might masquerade the falling

something that would feed my soul a nourishing meal

i’m starved

out of touch

out of reach

desperate to be touched by God

heard by God

spoken to by God

hungry to feel his love

tired of love being stuffed in boxes and checks

who is this madman who is wild and dangerous and created it all?

how can i be free of my own unintentional small places i have pushed him into?

he seems so unknowable



i cannot let go of him even when i scream to

everything is loosening

yet my throat tightens as it all slips away

can i bear this awakening?

will i survive the birthing?

will the pruning break me completely?

this long-winded wounding seems cruel

yet i wonder if its more about rearranging and revamping than it is about pain

the draining of a wound so healing can find its way in

i am told it is necessary

that it is good

that integration will come

more more more

there will be more

oh creator be merciful

i need gentleness in the bending

kindness in the tearing away

sweet whispers in the mending

catch me

hold me

teach me to know it is you


{Hope Wood © 2014}